The V Experience
हिमालय यात्रा दिसम्बर 2019: भाग 1 by Monica Singla
सबसे पहले मैं गुरूदेव के चरणों में प्रणाम करती हूँ। जिनके सानिध्य ने हमारे जीवन को सही राह दिखाई।🙇♀️💐 यात्रा बाबा के संग, आंनद की यात्रा, शांति की यात्रा, ज्ञान की यात्रा, सानिध्य की यात्र...
हिमालय यात्रा दिसम्बर 2019: भाग 2
ॐ श्री गुरू चरणकमलेभ्यो नमः 🙇♀💐 दूसरा दिन (25 दिसम्बर) को सुबह हम सब दिल्ली से काठगौधाम पहुँचे। वहाँ से कैंची धाम वहाँ थोड़ी देर रूक कर बाबा के दर्शन करने के बाद हम हेडाखान बाबा के मंदिर प...
हिमालय यात्रा दिसम्बर 2019: भाग 3
ॐ श्री गुरु चरणकमलेभ्यो नमः 🙇♀️💐💐 तीसरा दिन (26 दिसम्बर) को सुबह हम गुफा के लिए पैदल निकले। बिलकुल हमारे होटल के सामने से ही गुफा के लिए पैदल रास्ता शुरू हो रहा था। रास्ते में हम अम्मा के ...
हिमालय यात्रा दिसम्बर 2019: भाग 4
ॐ श्री गुरू चरणकमलेभ्यो नमः 🙇♀️💐 चौथे दिन(27 दिसम्बर) को सुबह हमें पांडु खोली जाना था। जिसकी ऊँचाई 8800 फ़ीट है। सारा रास्ता पैदल तय करना था। पर 26 रात को मेरी तबीयत बहुत ख़राब हो गई। सुबह...
हिमालय यात्रा दिसम्बर 2019: भाग 4 का शेष हिस्सा
ॐ श्री गुरू चरणकमलेभ्यो नमः 🙇♀️💐 27 दिसम्बर की आगे की यात्रा: हम सब snow में ख़ूब मस्ती कर रहे थे कि उसी समय कल्पना जी का फ़ोन आया कि बाबा मुझे लगता है मैं ऊपर नहीं आ पाऊँगी। तब बाबा ने क...
*नीलकंठ यात्रा संस्मरण - भाग 1*
श्री आदिनाथ समारम्भाम् श्रीगुरुनाथ मध्यमाम् अस्मद् गुरुनाथ पर्यन्तम् वन्दे नाथ परंपराम् 🙇🏻♂️🌺 श्रीगुरुचरणकमलाभ्यां नमस्कृत्वा महावताराय परमगुरुनाथाय नमस्कृत्वा च अथ बद्रीनाथनीलकंठादिया...
a trip to neelkanth with my guru:
i've tried writing this piece a few times and most times i ran short of words to describe the divine experience that i was extremely fortunate to share with my guru. one lives so many l...
living for a month with my guru
in the one month that i spent with my t-eacher, my m-astar, one of the things i noticed was how he spends his day. looking at his daily routine so closely, i have realised (about my own life) ...
living with my guru part 1
i recently received a golden and divine opportunity to live vvith my guru for a month and i am beyond great-full to have spent time learning and living in the gurukul vvay. from the beginning...
living vvith my guru part 2
only the rarest of the rare receive an opportunity to live vvith one’s guru. i have learnt the true essence of observation during the time that i vvas living vvith my guru, to ob-serve the v...
living with my guru part 3
during the time i spent living vvith my guru, i observed the vvay that he lives and one of the biggest lessons i learnt from observing his life vvas being practical. “spirituality is practi...
"spiritual turning point – entry of my guru in my life"
in my life of 61 years on planet earth, this time round, i have had many spiritual turning points and epiphanies……..and as a prolific writer, I have shared them all on various platforms…..and ...
the body in vvhich i savv hundreds of channels changing - my guru
that body, at whose feet i am seen lying and taking shelter, that body - which the vvorld calls V (Vishal SriPaul) that body in vvhich my guru resides - i have seen so much of fullness of such...
a re-al gUru lives simply...
my gUru Vishal SriPaul describes himself as an ordinary being - a being of order... with natural powers. and now that i observe him living his daily life - from close quarters - i see his m...
love of a multidimensional being...
last night, at dinner, my T-eacher asked me, “when are you going to write about love?” and i paused, before saying, ‘tomorrow.’ in that pause, i was remembering his oft repeated vvords, ‘on...
चरणामृत.....चरणों का अमृत.....nectar from the feet...
as a young child, i loved partaking of चरणामृत during satya-narayan mother made it with unboiled raw milk and added some तुलसी leaves and some other flavourings to it. of late, i...