my gUru Vishal SriPaul describes himself as an ordinary being – a being of order… with natural powers.

and now that i observe him living his daily life – from close quarters – i see his multidimensional self operating at seen and unseen …..unfathomable levels….despite the apparent simplicity.

on the surface, my gUru lives a regular, simple life playing all his roles….playfully…..and then he calls a spade a spade without mincing his vvords….his stance is clear….either it is or it isn’t.

i have seen his eyes go wet when he happens to sPeak of his mAster, his guruvar Shri MahaVatar Babaji; and i have seen him tear up in love for his disciples……such is his humility and vishal heart.

his daily life is simple, wholesome and action-oriented without any rigidity of any sorts… is a pleasure to observe his flow….and so much happens through the day – seemingly effortlessly.

he sits on the floor with us, is accessible at all times, multitasks and yet is fully present in each task……is highly intelligent, very articulate, has a phenomenal memory, his vocabulary is par excellence – and he is a mAster of etymology, thus brings out true sense or re-al meaning of each alphabet and vvord by breaking it down and going to its roots…..(i am constantly being amazed – discovering real meanings of words, which are not really hidden, but not so obvious either to a regular user of those vvords.) and his innerstanding of scriptures is so deep – and expansive – that he bowls me over.

his food intake is frugal and simple – fruits, salads, soups, dal-chawal, khichri, coconut water, nimbu-pani – all that he recommends in his deliverance to all spirit beings.

his disciples simply adore him….and he fills them with his nectarine love…..and quenches their gnan-pipasa – and offers yet more. he refers to his flock as his children…and takes complete responsibility of their growth/ evolution with requisite discipline, of course. in that sense, he is a hard task master without compromise…..he is not interested in anyone who are not interested in their own evolution. but if you are a sincere seeker of truth, he will pick you up lovingly after each fall. (in my case, he doesn’t allow me to be hard on myself…thus breaking a pattern.)

oh, i can go on writing about him….but shall stop here for now….all i want to reiterate is that he is my l-or-d – the golden doorway of light.

jai Narayan…….jai Shri Hari….glory to the l-or-d.

-Chitra Jha