TRAiodashi…dhan-teras,13th tithi, day of activation, the emerging of re-al dhan from smudra manthan… moon/som in chiTRA nakshatra, ruled by mars which represents deh/bow-D…

number 13, the number of activation of som in the madhya-nadi, sushumna, 13= 1+3= 4, number of RAhu, the northern node, sahastra-R, the inner sun (RA)… certainly, RA can only be activated if som, nectar, amrit rises in the T- madhya nadi, from southern node ketu upwards towards north… and, beautyfull it is to mention that chiTRA is represented by a 4 pointed star spica…

the 13th tithi, when “dhan-Van-TRAi”, the incarnation of Vishnu, emerged out of samudra manthan with a pot of “som- aushadhi- ayurVed”… body carries the pot (head) where som has to be produced after manthan… with the input of asuhadhi which grow in the Van and it enhances the longevity while removing the tri-dosh… balancing of the air- fire- water (vaat, pitta, kapha)…

since, aushadhi means the medicinal plants that grow in Van/ forest… no vvonder, the chiTRA nakshatra’s Varna (representative attire) is a farmer… the most important & the most forgotten function to survive healthily on the earth plane… because, beings have completely lost the grip over their re-al food, so, asur & the rakshas have completely took control over the spirit beings, feeding them with the imbalanced food, making them complete dependent on medi-sin… thence, no longevity and the dis-eased bodies is the result…

ayu-Ved, the Vidya of “disciplining for longevity”, can only vvork once one has the knovvledge of right input to one’s body…and, one has full hold on one’s food than the authorities has the control over food as well as on the ayu-ved…which is the situation today in the world… hence, neither beings are left with any control over their body or knovvledge… thence, beings with no som, no life, no free-dome and, the controlled slaves of the artificial system…

#divineworldorder #sanatandharm #Dhanteras2020