deepavali is been celebrated to mark the victory of good over evil, satisfying the lavv- “truth alone triumphs”…it’s not only functional for RAm or for Krishn but, its the sanatan dharm means the eternal lavv… certainly, truth only prevails and will all-vvays prevail… but, the only thing which the beings have to notice in this yug is, whether they are standing with the truth, for the truth while being righteous or just becoming a part of the herd system; speaking whatever, doing whatever and waiting for the authority to dictate terms for ones bearth…
certainly, truth will win but, who are battling for the truth today…? because, the current times on earth is the battle period, which is ongoing… just like the battle of kuru-kshetra, like battle with a-surs and the demonic forces… it’s worst than the battle with a being like RAvan, because the consciousness on earth is too low at this time and the beings are living in a completely un-conscious state, living a hypnotic life… where the meaning of fest-evil too is about the pre-programmed ritual as per the family manual, schooled as an essay…
but, nobody teaches, knows and real-eyes the re-al meanings of what one is to do and why to do even, but, because it is been followed by the whole world, by default it becomes a practice, without question… hence, the con-sequences too are applicable to the masses who are practicing the mass things…
#deepavali is an everyday thing, when the re-al deep/lamp, RA, sun, the sol of the earth dawns every day…to avvaken the sol of the being… but, pupil await a day to celebrate because, the trap of forces is such that a day has to be looked for, to feel the celebration than every-day becomes a celebration…
but, wait… behold… earth matrix is all set for a bigger, greater and a grand re-set…
the victory of good over evil is yet not declared… the time for Van-Vaas, the time to live in the forest is just beginning and the RAm RAjya is yet not stablished… still, its a far away thing as to reach there, beings have to battle… but, this time its the battle of the choices, like arjun choses Krishn over narayani sena, lakshman & sita choses to take up Van-Vaas with RAm, Vibhishan choses RAm over RAvan… so, the time to battle begins…
and, then deepavali is celebrated at the end of Van-Vaas & the battle…till then, its the time make the choice and act…