from Vs-dome…
although not the re-al new year but, the 10th month (deca means 10), when sun marches northwards, to enter the 10th sign capricorn…
however, 2020 had been an amazing year and what a revolutionary year it was for all spirits on earth and as we enter the next gregorian year 2021… remember to leave all what makes one a “program”… like 31st december night, which should be the night to think about what all one need to act upon to evolve on this plane and to ascend….
but, as per the world programming goes… beings use this night for drinking alcohole, dancing in madness in the dark hellish spaces and eating artificial food & drinks…and, the habits which keep one trappedd in the cell/ jail, becomes a cell-liberation… no wonder, no one has ever thought of going out of this earthly jail and all so called highers & lowers are busy beautifying the earthly reality…
it’s time to ponder upon the basics of life as in the upcoming times the survival is going to be a big time challenge and pupil have to undergo the oceanic change (from all artificialities to the core earthly basics) as earthly matrix executes the total re-set plan…
when the authorities are interested to keep all the beings busy in the minds and the only agenda of the dark forces become their agenda- to digitize everything in order to control beings biometrically, to give complete control in the hands of country based produced rothschilds (A’s & A’s in india) and to raise a society of artificial beings who are robotized and who’s food too is in total control of the authorities…
so, beings on earth have to vvake up and make sincere choices today in order to survive the upcoming plandemics, chaos, riots, protests, robotizing authority plans and re-turn back to the mool-adhar (basic trio of life) first…
remember, no divine, no god, no guru, no master, no angel or no higher forces saves or will save the unrighteous, sleeping, blind being… who doesn’t even know their good…
“god helps those, who help themselves…”