#divineworldorder #sanatandharm

in this tri-dimensional earthly reality…beings are taken away from the celestial knovvledge to keep them in the time loop of this reality, so that they keep falling in this reality back and again…

its just like a drunkard is given heavy doses of alcohole & drugged so heavily with the two-dimensional objects…that the spirit keep falling, in this mortal reality, on its own being heavily drugged…

celestial knovvledge is the re-al nectar, amrit, the elixir, madhu…which opens the doors of this realm, for the being to be free from this land of mortals to the realm of immortality…

and, celestial knovvledge comes from a celestial being only…the age of aquarius, the yug of celestial knovvledge pushes the spirits towards the re-al knovvledge to dive in the celestial water…gnan ganga…door-way out of this earthly reality…