Vishal SriPaul Sood answering Prashant Jha
living on the earthly reality of matter (पदार्थ), there had been the terms moksh (मोक्ष) & mukti (मुक्ति), freedom (स्वतंत्रता), liberation used by many…
so, what does it mean…?
#moksh is moh (मोह) ksh (क्ष)…which means deterioration of moh, attachments…being living on earth once realizes the very basic laws of this earthly holographical reality that you can not possess anything here since everything is temporary… so, one attains moksh which means moksh is attained while living in body itself…

#mukti is m (म) ukti (उक्ति)…m/म- कार is पदार्थ/matter… and, ukti means technique…mukti implies the technique which frees the being from matter and that is matter body…that means not letting being fall back in earth body (पार्थिव देह)… so, mukti can be practised while living in order to not fall back in this earthly re-alm…

#freedom is free-dom(e)…means to be free in and outside the dome…dome means the circular shaped structure which signifies the curve of the earthly reality which we see as sky…so, one can attain freedome while having moksha and practising mukti…

#liberation means to be free from slavery and imprisonment…the spirit being (अक्षर जीव) who is imprisoned on earth has to free himself… which means free from earthly imprisoned reality…

and, this is only possible with the guiding light of guru…that’s why one bows to a guru who know the techniques (ukti) to free one from matter (m), helping the disciple to be free from all attachments (moksh) and making him live free on earth (freedome) while preparing him to ascend from earth (liberation)… so, goes the celebration for the one who liberates from C (earthly dome)…

भुक्ति मुक्ति प्रदाता च तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः।।