Vishal Sri Paul

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Month: February 2021

earthly jail...
February 28, 2021

beings in this earthly reality are given all the drealmy ideas of being gods, beings intelligent and about an earthly life which is full of luxuries... and, all continue to living in such a...

from V's dome...
February 28, 2021

from Vs-dome... although not the re-al new year but, the 10th month (deca means 10), when sun marches northwards, to enter the 10th sign capricorn... however, 2020 had been an amazing year a...

such solace is love...
February 25, 2021

such a solace is loVe, such deep contentment love brings, so peaceful love is. what a great depth love brings within that even the tears poured out is the heart poured out. the tears which rol...

children's day
February 25, 2021

Today in Bharat, it is Children's day. It is children's day and yet it is not. Look around, you will find all are just infants, playing with toys with no wisdom. Some have paper toys, some...

February 25, 2021

to be free from the #labyrinth of this world and from the never ending cycle of births, one must be sincere enough to see the truths of this world's architecture, what makes it a labyrinth, a...

love is the ultimate freedom
February 25, 2021

"love is the ultimate freedom that one longs for and love only is liberating rest everything in this reality is mere play of attachments; either to objects or beings which is impermanent. such...

what do you call sacrifice?
February 25, 2021

V speaks on sacrifice during Himalayan Retreat: what do you call sacrifice? - living on an impermanent plane, gathering all impermanent objects, attaching oneself to impermanent beings;...

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