2020 ends and 2021- the re-al re-evolution begins…

in the past years, had been approached by so many teachers, facilitators, coaches and practitioners of the various fields…one most beautyfull thing in all of them was/is that they all real-eyes that the certificates doesn’t approve any truth and they all want to learn and explore the path in the re-al vvays…

certainly, “knovvledge makes sense to those who are in their senses…” and, for rest…”i know” is the only acknowledgement…

for all these teachers, i feel vvonderfull, looking at their zeal and the vvay they want to learn for their progress but, to all of them, i just ask them a very simple question:
“i will teach you, hold your hand to explore but, will you too be a sincere teacher to your students and help them explore their path righteously…will you acknowledge to your students, as a responsible teacher, that we have to navigate our selves to the re-al path than the worldly created path for masses…???”

and, the wonder is rare out of those teachers are sincere enough to say this to their students, to correct the path…most of them always have/had a reply- “we can’t accept it and acknowledge it in front of our students and in the public forum…because, we are the ones who asked them to take this path and now we can’t tell them…i need time for this, because, the others are dependent upon me…”

certainly, if a teacher is not sincere enough towards the student, why such beings deserve to be taught or should be hand-held…when they neither want to correct their basics nor they are truthfull towards the beings who are associated towards them…

“i don’t know” is so relieving and it helps the being to learn for one’s progress…

“arjun accepts his teacher in front of the whole battlefield warriors…meera speaks loudly in front of the whole world about her beloved…”

such leaps are taken by the beings who real-eyes sovereignty, who are sovereign and who are willing to be sovereign than being a slave of a course, certificate, a structure, being an authority or paper money…

and, it doesn’t only end here… if they are not taught, they begin carrying hatred, enemity begins… but, it doesn’t matter…

because, either in love or in hatred, they still remember me and remain a part of my diVine matrix… this way or that way… any form of association with higher, liberates… because, the memory of the higher becomes firm and firm…

but, the loVe way is the most beautyfull, most joyfull and most easy because, why burn one self in the fire of hatred, when one can rise in loVe…

“only rare of the rarest can real-eyes the diVine play… as my maya, keeps taking way those who are inappropriate and bringing close all those who are appropriate for the earthly diVine play…”

loVe to all those who could rise above the masses in ones sovereignty…and, loVe to those who will take the leap of loVe in 2021…

age of aquarius and the golden era awaits for all the spirits… vvelcome to all spirits who are interested in their own evolution…