#Source and the #Object (being) are the two important entities between whom arise the whole show of life orchestrated on the world screen…

think!! when there are two lovers, each is the source to the other and both of them are object in relation to the other. as the object goes away from the source, even if for an hour, for days, for years; during those moments of separation, the movement of thought create various expressions, emotions and projections which give rise to conflict as per the world’s created organized system…

and, that activity of thought, during that moment of separation between the source & the object, it is conflicting, corrupt and bringing further separation…

similarly, as the being is separated from its source, which is the centre of its very existence, during this period, the activity of thought is never free from conflict arising from the image created by the world and this separation period of lifetime becomes conflicting, full of corruption and it creates further more separation…

Think over it!!