Vishal Sri Paul

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Tag: saturn

rahu-ketu: head-spine
August 3, 2024

rahu & ketu, the most feared just like saturn..... and certainly, there are reasons why people fear rahu-ketu so much but, one big reason is- the fear mongering based marketing by the...

2023- Year Of The Chariot
December 30, 2022

Here begins 2023 on earth, yet another gregorian year..... For majority, it shall be just another year of the human life but, for the awakened & the awakening beings, it's going be...

Bhavishya Darshan- 2
July 30, 2021

I offer my salutations at the lotus feet of my master SriGuru Mahavatar Babaji..... beings in the past few years had been really talking about the new age, the Aquarian age which is on the...

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