i recently received a golden and divine opportunity to live vvith my guru for a month and i am beyond great-full to have spent time learning and living in the gurukul vvay.
from the beginning to the end of the day my routine vvas set in accordance vvith the basic discipline that has been given to us… it vvas the perphect opportunity for me to vvork on my shortcomings, my behaviour and my entire outlook tovvards life.
one of the first things that i realised vvas hovv punctual and organised gurudev is and how he sets his routine for the day vvhich is absolutely dynamic and multi-dimensional… to be able to sit around his divine presence, to be able to learn one to one from him, to be able to see him every day is a fortune that can never be described in vvords, there is no other joy in this vvorld for a disciple apart from being in the physical presence of one’s guru, for it is an opportunity that one receives after a lot of bearths in this reality.
while i observed the vvay gurudev s-peaks, delivers knovvledge, i realised the gravity of each vvord that he vvas saying and how easily i vvas able to absorb vvhat he vvas saying because of the simplicity vvith vvhich he was t-eaching me… he corrected my behaviour in numerous vvays on numerous occasions, a few of those changes i am still copimg up vvith because i realised hovv ingrained one’s behaviour really is, i realised how strong the sanskaar is, only by his divine guidance i could live what he always t-eaches “sans hai toh chance hai”
every breath, every second i vvas improving and learning to become more avvare and more righteous.
an-other major realisation that came my vvay vvas how reading knovvledge or listening to knovvledge and then applying it in life is quintessential to really inner-stand the essence of it, for example he had instructed me to vvater the plants and take care of them every day, which seems like a simple task at first but, the moment i started applying vvhat he had taught me about plants, i could inner-stand which plant needed vvhat, be it vvater or sunlight or fertiliser, simply by doing vvhat he instructed me to do and applying knovvledge… this experience reminded me of the time he had explained hovv the truth becomes the truth for you when you live it and that the experiencer is more important than the experience.

i will be sharing more instances from my stay at divine residence in the next parts.
i am deeply great-full for being chosen as my guru’s student.
i bow to my guru Vishal SriPaul Sood,
i bow to his divinity,
i bow to his magnanimity,
i bow to his simplicity,
i bow to his lotus feet 🙇🏻‍♂️