you are a slave of your own habits key is- changing the habits changes the behavior, this in turn is the key to evolution and to be free with-in and with-out... do you look at th...
Vishal Sri Paul
you are a slave of your own habits key is- changing the habits changes the behavior, this in turn is the key to evolution and to be free with-in and with-out... do you look at th...
someone asked about "eid" (ईद)... "eid" means upasna (उपासना)... means to go in the divine refuge or to take shelter under the grace of the lord...to seek forgiveness for ones...
देवासुर संग्राम इस पृथ्वी के पटल पर होता ही आया है बस युग परिवर्तन से...
world created tri-dimensional system programs you to not to be the recipient of divine grace so that you learn to behave just in a tri-dimensional manner, learn to mis-use your speech and just...
rare only listen in this world, majority are deaf... rare only speak in this world, majority are dumb... rare only love in the world, majority are full of hatred, ego and...
इस त्रि-आयामी पार्थिव जगत में, प्राणी को विभिन्न परिस्थितियों, मुसीबतों...
कृष्ण इस संसार को दुःखालय कहते हैं, अनित्य जगत कहते हैं...मीरा इसे कंटक...
Vijayak means always Victorious...and, khardung-la means the inter-spatial pass (from earth through antariksh to sol)...la in tibetian means pass...the crossing point...from one side to the...
'सिन' अर्थात पाप शब्द हिब्रू के 21वें अक्षर 'शिन' से आया है जिसका अर्थ थोड़ा...
जब आप इस सांसारिक जाल का सत्य, इस समाज के भ्रष्टाचार, इसके अधिकारियों के...