music ... an arrangement of sound arrangement of sound in a specific manner to create a specific is a arrangement of sound, vvords...expressing in many vvays... "speech is sound, the...
Vishal Sri Paul arrangement of sound in a specific manner to create a specific is a arrangement of sound, vvords...expressing in many vvays... "speech is sound, the...
त्रिगुणात्मक पृथ्वी जगत काल-अधीन है...क्योंकि पार्थिव देह काल के पूर्ण...
V letter in hebrew is VaV, the sound V...which is spoken today as wow... VaV is the 6th hebrew letter which means to hook...which in sanskrit is yog, means to connect to diVine...certainly,...
pupil today have created a culture to speak anything, behave in any way...going with the borrowed-induced idea of live life as it comes...than to discipline vvonder, t...
today's earthly matrix is woven with such a complexity that it has posed so many un-certain situations and challenges that pupil today are un-able to cope up with... because, nobody knows the...
paper money in the hand is a promissory note which means a promise, a commitment in one's hands which one exchanges with the other beings for any-thing that one purchases or buys either being,...
celestial knovvledge is the re-al nectar, amrit, the elixir, madhu...which opens the doors of this realm, for the being to be free from this land of mortals to the realm of...
be it prakriti or purush, co-herence is can not be diagonal or tangential... it's just like the perphect attunement of the musical note to a specific frequency...little change or...
V declares that the world has majority of the pretending spirits and pretending beings...pretending spirits disguise as angels and light spirits delivering messages to the beings and ultimatel...
#divineworldorder #sanatandharm to mar the re-al guru-shishya parampara, the stages were all set, the pomp and show was designed, using media, the world stage was set to project onto beings...