vairagya doesn’t mean to leave any-thing, any-one or every-thing… however, vairagya simply means one doesn’t get attached to any objects or beings… while knowing the very laws (dharm) of this earthly physical reality… only who knows this law firmly is a vairagi…
re-nunciate too means to be re-none again… to be free from all what traps and posses you… and, this simply requires one to inner-stand and over-stand the re-al laws of this earthly matrix which is- “impermanence and no possession”…
when you know that an object would be snatched out of your hands in an un-certain time at the end of your bearth time… then, only a fool can get attached to that object… and, same goes for the fellow- beings whom one thinks of possessing… possession is a ghostly act…
earth is a closed dome… one can run from one place to an-other but, yet one re-mains on the same earthly plane… but, knowing the very laws of the land, one lives free where-ever one goes, lives and resides…