“shad-vidya can safeguard one from shad-yantra”
cons-piracy means shadyantra (षड्यंत्र) means six mechanical ways to trap or kill…shad-yantra had been used by the devil- unrighteous being to trap and kill spirit beings…
shad- yantra had been used in parts too to slay the demons, satanic forces and devils…as these are different vidyas…
shad-yantra constitutes six ways to trap and kill…
1. jaaran (जारण), burning…by firing up literally or thru desire of passion, ego, anger, aggression…(false ambitions, sol work, guidance, professions to serve the world systems)
2. maaran (मारण), killing…by intoxicating, direct or thru poison, ingestion or injection…(vac-sin, medi-sin)
3. uchhaatan (उच्चाटन), distracting…rooting out or de-focussing and making the being off-centered by any means of fame, power, partner, money, authority etc. (fame on the name of charity, nobility etc)
4. mohan (मोहन), hypnotising, cast spell thru’ words or by enticing beautiful alluring objects or beings…(new ager practices)
5. stambhan (स्तंभन), fixing, by making one rigid in body or mind, by making all sit firmly at a single place…(lock-down, authoritative control, execution of mass control plans)
6. vidhwansan (विध्वंसन), to destroy completely…(complete crash-down)
this is all has been performed by all satanic forces to trap and kill spirit beings on earth…that is all what forms the new world order’s execution… and, its all happening in this reality for real…
and, to safeguard oneself from shad-yantra, a sincere seeker, a humble spirit being needs have shad-vidya, six divine sacred knowledge…
refer the picture for shad-vidya…