From my diary- “my real truth”
– 13th June’2014 night, the early morning of 14th, when my whole existence took a new turn, the night when I woke up from a dead life, a life of masses, a life of slavery…

– my experiences with my master, my teacher, my guru, sri mahavatar babaji transformed me into a completely new being, a simple, ordinary, natural being. before that neither i was aware of any other facet of life than what i was taught to follow, like million others…

– it took me 8-9 months to settle myself with this new being of myself as the eyes opened to see a completely new world, the real truths of this earthly reality was all showcased in front of my eyes. many in my family thought of i being mad, many laughed at me, many ridiculed, many could not even understand what was happening to me, but, i kept moving…

– as the knowledge kept on downloading, from 2014 to 2015, now i could realize why i was here in this earthly reality, why i was taught sanskrit, english, science, management, maths, physics, biology and much more. now i know what i was being prepared for…

– astrology (jyotish vidya) was the first knowledge that occurred and the perspective was growing wider and wider, the consciousness was expanding. and, ultimately i realized the estorism hidden behind astrology and this is the vidya which lead me to navigate myself in this reality…

– met few teachers, masters, and came across many who were teaching management of life but no body knew the whole of it and ultimately, the grace of my teacher & real truths of this reality safeguarded me from falling into any false hands and was navigated into a zone where there were no mass-rules, no shops of spirituality, but, there was complete silence and only light…

– growing on this journey, faced many threats from many people because never have i ever compromised the truth for money, power, fame or just for gathering any crowd. since, speaking truth was hitting many spiritual shops, open out there, the workshop culture and all new age guidance business…

– truth remains the truth, as scriptures mention- “many will project as masters, as gurus, sitting on high thrones”. truth it is. there are many masters, specially in india, but rare learners…

– nature is revealing its secrets, making me expand and cohere with it. truths certainly can not be revealed to all, as it turns into a shop and is sold in the market, like the name of gods, goddesses, angels, deities, vidyas, etc etc…

– no ashram, no man- made building can help any spirit being to evolve but, the real knowledge, the development of real eye and the right path, certainly, can help the sincere seeker to evolve and to be completely free with-in & with-out and forever…

– to evolve, one has to realize what are his limitations, obstacles and the source of traps. for that one has to really open eyes to the very truths of earth plane, as to what in this earthly reality is pushing them towards lower planes of existence. without knowing the very facts of earthly plane, one can never know, from what to safeguard his being…

– i’m happy and completely satisfied with the very fact of my this earthly existence that neither i’m a teacher to the masses, nor i’m any extra-ordinary being with any tag infront of my name. krishn is krishn, meera is called meera, kabir is called kabir. there is no extra tag required to be added in front the name…

– i’m just an ordinary simple natural being in this projected earthly reality, a teacher to a selected few. because, birth is a real exploration of evolution for few sincere one, it’s an ongoing experience for many and a punishment for millions…

– miracle means to “uncover the truth” and only that one can do who has it and who knows it in its complete sense.
