“truth is naked and completely un-compromised”

from the time the new ageing agenda (the agenda to make-believe to channel every-thing thru’ the paper current-c, even spirituality) picked up… all beings are pumped with a belief (be-lie) that every-one is same, all are equal…

but, in the divine construct, in this tri-dimensional earthly physical reality… no two beings are neither same nor equal…

what a good way to hypnotize beings by selling them the idea that all are same…however, one can wit-ness thousands of dis-parities in every aspect…whatever is being designed by the authorities to just control and enslave…

females too are sold the idea of equality & empowerment…just to being them down from their natural higher power positions and to make them equal to the mal-e in…so that they too leave their natural work and become an slave of the controlled system…and, so wonder-full was the mass- hypnotism that the females too bought the idea happily to become equal to males…whereas nature itself has kept female on a way higher position than the male…

in the earthly construct, where the nature doesn’t even create two similar leaves in the whole creation…beings are made to believe that “all are same”…

what reason can there be??

so easy it becomes to enslave the society by selling such an idea…so easy it becomes to bring about a non-disciplinary attitude by telling that all are equal, and one can continue live any-way…so easy it is to make every-one follow the same system of circulating paper current-c by making the masses believe that all are born same, die same, take the same in-doctrinated education…life…wearing similar clothes and calling it fashion…do the similar kind of jobs and works and live a similar sort of paper money gathering

the idea of ‘same and equal’ became such a routine affair that it by de-fault became so easy to sell the idea of same dis-eased and un-certain life…which was adopted so smoothly…no wonder the current state of mass- fear is born out of the same idea…what a laugh-able state…

since, all are same, all are equal…same novel (fictious) virus has feared masses equally and in a same way…so, to control the masses, same model is required…

not only this, one can observe and wit-ness…the same idea sold in spiritual in-dust-tri (industry) too…masses continue doing same thing for years and years…and, yet reach no-where…such, a good time it is, which will shake beings to inner-stand that they have reached no-where fall-lowing into same eye-closing meditation for hours, same booking into books for years, and selling same borrowed ideas in a cube-box room and calling it a work-shop… certainly, an-other shop…

such big was the hypnotizing impact of this new ageing that it turned every-thing into a paper current-c rotating system…and, no wonder today, every-one calls a multi-level-marketing (mlm) business owners the gurus and all replicating the same model of business…no-body thought of going out of the box…why?

be-cause, all beings are hypnotized for years to be-lie-live that all are same and equal…

still, current time is an opportunity to break the hypnotism and to stand firm with the truth and to live it…

you are neither same nor equal…you are unique…you are different…your point of mastering (sadhna) in this realm is different from the fellow spirits…

vvake up…have access to the re-al knowledge…break the spell…

“judgement period is on, make the choice and ascend”