the beings are pushed to be completely in-volved in the tri-dimensional earthly reality…with all the purposes, the temporary goals and with the various definitions of goodness that they are made to believe in various aspects of ones earthly life…

but, this world is an upside down world….the world that is visible in front of your physical eyes is a completely reverse world…just like an image in the water…in the fluid…it’s all reversed in the reality today…

be it the re-al lavvs (dharma), be it ones goal of bearth (lakshmi), be it ones re-al righteous actions (karma) or be it ones way of living the earthly life (charya)…everything in this yug is reversed….the beings are towards the adho-gati…descension… where as the tri of life is ascending…it is upward…urdhva-moolam….

with the decline of human consciousness in kali-yug…beings have forgotten their re-al dharma completely… the asur & ra-kshas &shudra (serving class) have become the Ra-jan (kings) in this yug and they started controlling people with taxes, fake goals, shad-yantra, while creating the mesh in harmony with the Vaishya (the working class) making paper money the only goal… the gurus (brahmnics) have become the Vaishya, who are busy establishing businesses and creating more & more wealth…and, the kshatriya (life saving & guarding warriors) have become a shudra, doing charities, which is the king’s work…

the only goal remains the gathering money, having a partner, breeding and, amidst all this doing something which is defined by the world system as a mark of goodness and serving the society…a wonder-full recipe to keep the spirits tied up in this tri-dimensional world…because, the masses are made fall-low onto the same small metrices…so, it becomes easy to hypnotize the spirits by creating the desire, by putting there mind in conflict and by projecting a sense of comparison with masses…

ultimately, for all off-centered (yog-bhrasht) spirit beings who has no connection (no yog) with center…the reverse goals as defined among the masses becomes their goal too… thence, they remain trapped in the reverse reality…which is a mere projection in the fluid…

the most important fact of this reverse reality is- it continues to shake…its remains uncertain as it’s temporary…because, its just a projection of re-al…even if a single stone is pelted from out-side (vipada) or even from inside (aapada), it shakes and never stabilizes… and, the whole effort of a bearth-time goes in making it stable, complete and full-filling…whereas the re-al lies some-where else…

“it’s like trying to hold water in the hand and then, closing the fist, thinking one can keep the water in the hand forever…”

the reverse reality remains reversed… the sincere spirits must vvake-up…