bharatvarsh (the whole land mass on earth) had been the most fortunate place to take bearth on, to ascend to the higher planes of existence and that was possible…rare intelligent beings has achieved that…and, that was only possible with the right discipline of the bow-d (body)…

post guru gnanak era, when the satanic forces were in power and then, the jesuits took up every field on earth to con-trol the man-kind, the landguage (language) was conned and people lost the right path-way…even the food growing land is called field…

spirituality too turned as an in-dust-tri…whereas spiritual path is the practices and discipline to carve ones journey to go up which means to ascend (urdhva-gati)…but, the con-trolling forces like jesuits brought the new age agenda in the last 200 years to spoil even the re-al spirituality…

bharat turned into india and the so called gurus just created organizations to organize the masses…the con-trolled gurus spread one idea of making people sit with closed in the dark places or dim light rooms for long hours, made even the naive as teachers selling their mutli-level-marketing busy-ness ideas while keeping fancy attractive name tags in-front of their names and the innocent pupil were be-fooled by the idea of “inside god”…which got them nothing but the fallse sense of their completion and making them live in a fake supermacy…

and, they became nothing but a fake little god, sending energy to all lowly beings, uttering sentences, making some money and the notion is- it’s all god’s work, we must help beings and god is inside, every-one is god…

“god helps those who help them-selves”

one has his own biggest response-ability to firstly take him-self out of this plane of existence, then, one would know how to navigate beings out of this reality…

the sold idea “inner god & you are god” was a way sold to beings to keep them away from the right discipline…

hence, keep them in the same fake spiritual circus (circle/cycle of bearth) and make them fall into this tri-dimensional reality…no wonder, what an easy e-motional way to have free-masons them-selves ready to be free-masons…

the current ongoing situation has well ex-posed the truth of all the in-dust-tri and specially, the so called indian gurus…who were pretending & talking so high while creating glorified grandeur of their spiritual performances… however, they neither had any sense of the basic science nor any iota of the tri-dimensional earthly physical reality…

you your-self can only save your-self than falling low into the false notion of knowing some-thing… discipline your body, mind and spirit…than, just going into the sold phi-loss-phi of “inner-god”… any-one who has found the truth of the divine in this earthly reality- is only thru’ practice and discipline, not by sitting idle and imagination…navigate your-self out of new age spirituality…

breath means still opportunity is there…even if you had been doing it since many years, still you can vvake up and come out of new-ageing… because new-ageing was brought to make pupil feel superior, self-praising, become little gods…

“truth is bitter in the beginning but it works as bliss at the end”…because truth liberates…

be-aware…re-al truth-full spirits must vvake up now and make a way out of the new age spirituality…still there is time…