#divineworldorder #sanatandharm
beings in this earthly reality were pushed and knowingly kept in this darkness…they are taught the darkness, dark habits and the darkworking…but, given a name as light working…to rumor the spirit beings that they are working for light as it certainly, will attract any humble spirit being to work for the light…
beings were taught to sit with closed eyes, in dark rooms, dark man-created buildings and they were taught imagine different lights in that darkness…calling it meditation…beings are allured to speak something gibberish while making funny faces and pretending to heal someone…and they called it star seed…
no vvonder, beings too enjoyed being a part of the dark agenda which is pushed, propagated and spread as the planned deception to off-track spirit beings front their re-al navigation and re-al free-dome…while keeping them in the feel-good factor hypnotic state behind the fake veil of goodness, light, god and truth…
but, for how long…?
the plandemic worked as a litmus test and it split the milk & water, nectar & poison, real & unreal and light & dark…more the current state is stretched, more it will be unveiling the re-al and as the re-al light would be voiced out, the beings who had been kept in darkness, who are trapped (not by choice)…all will drop the veil darkness and move towards light and be light…
no-thing can stop the spirit beings to look at light and then, while keeping attention on the light, spirits will have to make their choice…
speaking the truth, dropping the dark habits, leaving red-zone behavior, firm self discipline and standing firm with truth…that only will be the savior…because, more destruction is planned by the dark forces in the near future…
all spirits must VVake uP…light is liberating…