when the world authorities prepares the being to be just a fit in it’s pre-designed system of education, profession, marriage, breeding, health, money…which had been so certain a system designed from last many generations and vvonder is- no one thinks of breaking the pattern as fitting one self in a mass system has become the only life-story…

and, since this system is so fixed to trap a being at specific age… so, one must educate by so and so age, one must begin to gather paper money from that age, one must do a mass institutional marriage and breed…and, everything is given an age number… certainly, to keep one in trap as well as to give one a sense of being late in comparison to the world…

amidst all this, the fake sense of knowing among the higher controllers in the family and the society as well as in the being becomes strong…hence, the blind statements arise – “i know, i can see, i know how the world works”…

bigger vvonder is- “if one knows, then, still why one choses to be a slave of the same patterned system?…why doesn’t one break the chains of blindness which are received as legacy?…why does one still not open the eyes to what is happening in this brutal earthly matrix?…”

because, the “i know” conformity for oneself, keeps one in utter darkness and blindness…when you know, then, you must do it yourself…then, there must not be any complain, any hurt, any cry…because, when you know, then you you must know what to do, to end all what causes pain, sufferings and the slavery…you must be empowered enough to atleast rise above the masses and live free… “free from all what traps, binds and limits…”

but, the vvonder of this matrix is- “i know” too arises from the narrative of the world matrix, to keep you in the veil…because,
“i know” is- ignorance… a tool to declare one self as blind…

help your self to rise above the blindness & ignorance… because, only you can help yourself, none else can…


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