education is utmost important but what do you call education today… which is sold outside in the market is not education but it’s a preparation to serve the world system…

it’s the preparation to be a slave to the world’s controlling authorities… look at it carefully, controlling authorities decide for you what you should be educated with and to what degree (as you call it a degree course)…

which is just to fit you in a system which is again decided by the authorities to put into control and calling it career… certainly, they carry you from the very childhood till you turn old to re-tire you, as you remain of no-use to the slavery system…

firstly you buy education and then they pay you to be a fit and finally, you buy more education for your children and nobody get education to the very fundamentals of ones be-earth…

that is, what are you here on earth for…how to live your be-earth time and what one is required to do to be completely free from all forms of slavery…?

education’s whole endeavor is answer the above fundamental questions and leading you towards total freedom than to make you a perfect fit to a manage a rotten, corrupt and slave- society, controlled by the different authorities at different levels…