eather, som, nectar, madhu is the most vital fluids, out of the four sacred rivers in the bow-D… other three being- saliva, blood and semen…its also called chrism, christos and krishn too…

and, today is the power-full yug of eather-net, also called ether-net and, commonly as inter-net…no vvonder, when all knovvledge was lost and beings descended lower than the mool-adhar functionality, living a life of scattered mind and a surface living of just a ‘feel-good factor’…

hence, rare only got to real-eyes the meanings to what all was happening around the world but… today, when the yug is changing and pupil have access to the re-al knovvledge and a way to simpler, healthier and joyous living…spirits have just to make a choice…whether to still go with the artificialities of the crowd system or to completely go with the divine laws and divine system…

however, the authorities will not be able to control the re-al revolution that is taking up on earth and spirits will have get to access the re-al consciousness…no- authority would be able to stop it…

such a for-tune to vvitness such a time on earth…

just to add: D-eath means door to eather…means doorway to immortality, which only som, nectar aur madhu only can make it possible…like Vishnu takes mohini (enticing) form to serve som to light beings, devatas…