battle of kurukshetra was not the only making of mahabharat but, there had been many times the creation of mahabharat (grand bharat) which this bhu-mandala has witnessed…
krushn and arjun had/has battled many times time against adharm (unrighteousness) on this plane…everytime arjun faces the doubts on himself, becomes weak, krushn helps him with gnan (right knowledge) to battle to bring glory to the lord, to each one witnessing for time immemorial and for the dharm to get established on earth and to be a perfect divine example of right knowledge, right action, right behavior, perfect relationship and to be victorious over evil…
when arjun shows his inability to fight the battle, krushn says to him…how can a conflict arise in your mind at the time of battle, as this brings descension and disgrace for the one who know the value of life… being a fighter, even then, if you don’t fight, people forever will speak of your infamy & will add disgrace to your name and for a person of repute, disgrace is equal to death…
those who always spoke good of your name, they will think because of fear you left the battlefield…so, they will consider you petty & frivolous…even, those who are not friendly to you, will speak of you with bitter words and you will be mocked for your inability…
certainly, you should not orchestrate your impotence…leave this debility and rise up to fight…
delivering right knowledge about a yogi, his path on earth, various secret vidyas, many hidden secrets… krushn still says to arjun- because of my grace, you will cross all obstacles but, if because of your delusioned fake ego,,,you don’t listen and fight, you will be destroyed…
मचित्त: सर्वदुर्गाणि मत्प्रसादात्तरिष्यसि, अथ चेत्त्वमहंकारान्न श्रोयसि विनङक्ष्यसि।
finally, krushn says, leave everything and be in my refuge…in my shelter as I am the doer, I am the consumer and I shall take care of you, as you are dear to me…only those are dear to me…who stand for dharm (righteous)…
then, arjun fights saying- my doubts are cleared, my attachments are washed away and I’m established firmly doubt-less…
“where there is yogeshwar krushn, and where there is ultimate archer arjun, there is auspiciousness, victory, extremely firm power and morality”- sanjay to dhrutrashtra…