in this mortal realm, each spirit solidifies in a different gender body; male & female and, from bearth till the age both reach the state of puberty, both male as well as the female, they live in a similar manner…..

however, after attaining puberty, the signs of male-ness & the female-ness appear in/on the body itself….. it’s that age of 12-13 years when the female body begins with the menstrual cycle and it indicates the very first and the most important task at hand for a female, which is-

“to maintain total hygiene of one’s body” 

and, that’s the first learning that all females need to gain in this realm, for that what a spirit need to learn when it solidifies as “a female”

the female bearth can simply be concluded to be between two most important lessons and that is- “hygiene & high-gene”….. that is it..!!!

from learning 1.) to maintain total hygiene of one’s body, for a female body requires a total hygiene every month and, 2.) to gain total sense to be able to choose a being with a high-gene code, for a female’s ability to select a maskuline being with high-gene code aka diVine qualities makes her a real feminine…..

for females, “the real hygiene is in their ability to choose a high-gene maskuline being”

these qualities completely separate females from the males….. which leaves no point for any true female to falsely seek equality with males as the feminist agenda goes in the world…..

even the female earthly physical body embodies an important function of reception i.e. receiving the seed from a male and carry it in her uterus (womb, that’s why the word wom-b-man, which means a man with womb) and carry forward the generational legacy of the male….. the word “uterus” is a combination of two sunskrit words; “ut” (उत) & “rus” (रस), and, “ut” means “upwards” and the word “rus” means “fluids”…..

although, the visible uterine function is to secret menstrual fluid, but then, why is it given the name “uterus”, which means the upwards fluid carrier….. solving this secret itself unVeils the whole function of the female body as well as a spirit taking up a female body….. 

the human body is a bio-logical gadget and the whole body as well as its all parts have a bio-logical response and stimulus in one part creates a bio-response in the brain which further triggers a bio-response in various parts…..

e.g. the seminal fluid that a female receives from a male in the uterus, it acts as a stimulus to the brain and triggers another response in the body to activate the further function of fertility as well as lactation….. therefore, a female body is an open channel body, which simply means entry of fluid in the body travels thru’ all her body channels and changes the whole alchemy of the body, which is not the case with a male body which create a more localized stimulus response effect…..

no wonder, the females in the ancient times were more aware, awake & fully conscious about this very fact of their body, which is why in the ancient times only the females had an option to select a maskuline counterpart and they would only pick a male who highly evolved in intelligence & diVine qualities, which means a male who has a high-gene code, only that male was allowed to enter a female body….. for the females knew the very natural, lawgical & scientific fact of their body that with male fluids entering her body, the whole alchemy of her body will change, which will change her for gene code as well…..

“change in the gene-code is the change in the total sense-perception and change in sense-perception means change in the eVolution speed”

“high-gene code means ascension and, low gene-code means descension”

and, this very process of female’s natural selection is still visibly orchestrated in all other species in nature, except the humans in this day & age, where body (तन) & salary (वेतन) is the only criteria to grab a man or a woman…..

in a real kulture, where a female would only select a real male with the intelligence of eVolution and the one who is beautified with all higher diVine qualities, then certainly, in such a kulture, males would have no other option than to perform proper penance & to achieve a higher gene-ic level than just making a gym body & hang a money carrot to woo a female….. therefore, females have just one task at hand- “to re-gain natural sense of hygiene & the sense to select a high-gene maskuline” than to be fooled & deluded to be equal to men…..

however, when in this day & age, the females & the males have lost their total natural sense to gain real maskuline & feminine qualities, thence, gender confusion is certainly inevitable..!!!