pupil in this earthly matrix are taught to gather more and more of paper which they call as money or currency…while rare of the rarest inner-stand what is the re-al current-c means the flowing current in the c… c means under the curvature/dome of the earth…

beings at this time have been handed this system over to them, as legacy, by their payrents…where even the basic trio of survival (food, cloth, shelter) can only be gathered thru the paper money… so is the whole system on earth at this moment…and, no being is left with any choice than to firstly have paper and then, do anything… every-thing comes down to money even if one is to stick to a minimalistic life-style…

paper money in the hand is a promissory note which means a promise, a commitment in one’s hands which one exchanges with the other beings for any-thing that one purchases or buys either being, object or any service…

but, still there are ways to gain a level completely off the tri-dimensional grid and live a happy life…as current ongoing system is a system of gather huge money because of the un-certainty of dis-ease and the future expenditure (in the tri-dimensional con-trolled system)…which can be easily by-passed if one learns the re-al laws and then, only the basic expenses remains like food and monthly expenses of maintainance…

the borrowed-induced idea that one needs a lot of paper to live a happy life or healthy life or a rich life is just an-other programming…to let being be busy all the time in the system and the day-dreaming…

had been living such a life of working only tri-four times a year for getting the paper for the basic trio, for basic family expenses, for serving disciples and for the upcoming dispersal of knovvledge work in various forms and for the in-hand plan of action…that’s all…no extra paper carrying, no fake luxuries, no artificially promoted life-style but, the re-al richness of multi-dimensional food, clothing and shelter…

V declares that the tangential touch with the paper money is what beings must learn as it will help them in the upcoming times…and, all sincere beings can learn such a life on earth…using the 3D paper current-c to create multi-dimensionnality…creating the re-al money from the paper…the re-al money of knovvledge, som (eather, nectar) and enhancing the time money on earth…while, no running behind creating a temporary empire to allure masses or to impress upon fell-low beings that you have some-thing…

remember, bank is what one must not bank upon…time is coming near when beings will real-eyes what and whom to bank upon…

note: you can watch the youtube video on money too…

#divineworldorder #sanatandharm #money