why 1st april is called as fool’s day?
1st april, the day when sun enters the constellation revati which is the last nakshatra in the sign pisces. and, revati means to revital, to nourish and to rejuvenate for a new solar cycle as well as the goal of revati is ultimate freedom, nirvana, mukti, moksha. it’s a spiritually perfect time (before sun enters ashwani in aries) to practice the techniques which can uplift ones level of intelligence and awareness as revati is ruled by mercury. and,
april comes from the aphros which is aphrodite, the greek goddess of recreation, love, beauty, auspiciousness, ultimate pleasure, and purity and it is similar to venus, which is shukra as well as the roman goddess too…
so, when people are fooled not to look at the ultimate facts and kept busy in joking, superfluous talking and distracted totally, in all their senses, to not to look for freedom, ultimate please (permanent- permanand). then, what else can you mark such day for such low & un- intelligent beings, certainly, that day has to be called as fool’s day.