pupil in this tri-dimensional earthly reality are trained from the very child-hood to learn the herd behavior which just prepares one to either adjust or fit oneself into the establishments like schools, colleges, busynesses, work, society etc…and, that has made the behavior be so complex that one continues to fit oneself into the groups and looks at oneself as per what society creates the image of a being…
but, no one actually teaches the righteous behavior to anyone but, simply to salute beings with a societal worldly tags of governer, manager, officer, professor, coache etc…which are theirselves trapped in the system nose to nose and the respect is merely to the tag than to the individual…if purpose is served, the respect increases and if not, there remains no respect…
same is the story in the families, society or in any of the world created structure to keep beings expecting and then, respecting…however, amidst all this training to be respected and to respect the authority…all eternal laws around behavior are lost in these years…
so, beings are not taught to learn the righteous behavior…because, the controllers of this reality, at this moment, only teach beings to learn to mis-behave with ones own body, with ones mind, with ones spirit which has to ultimately ascend out of this physical plane…and, that’s only possible if ones learns the righteous behavior which comes from discipline one self…because, your behavior simply shows what you are inside, within yourself…and,
“no god, lord, guru or higher ones will ever grace upon or shelter, guide or help any being who is un-disciplined, un-righteous or mis-behaving…”
one can continue to mis-behave with anyone or anyway but, its simply out of ones sheer ignorance of not knowing how this earthly matrix functions…and, your current bearth is one chance still in your hands to navigate yourself out of this plane by either ascending or by merging oneself completely in the lord…but, one must remember the lavv- milk merges in milk, water in water and lord in lord…there is no other way…
“to be one into the lord, one must know & practice the divine lavvs and then one develops the divine qualities”… that’s the way to evolve…
and, only a vvise spirit being choses to discipline one’s body, mind and spirit…rest all continues to live as it comes, as projected by the world…thinking, god will take care of every-thing…vvonder, why arjun too was to make a choice between krishn and narayani sena…!!
one has the choice and righteous behavior too is ones choice to be righteous & disciplined…that’s how one evolves from choice to free-will…