#divineworldorder #sanatandharm
why, in this tri-dimensional reality, beings have to listen and do what governments or the controllers impose upon them?… whether forced testing, forced laws, forced taxing, forced masking, forced vac-sin…why?
the only reason is- the so- called educated, in-dependent beings do not know how to grow their own food and they do not even know what to eat…
beings are dragged to such an in-dependence state that only know what media has shown them since years and what indoctrinated education has taught them and schooled them for…
beings must know that they can survive easily and comfortably, even if they have less pair of clothes or shoes or if they have a smaller shelter…but, you can’t do without food… and, today with agree-culture in place and the artificial food is pumped into the routine lives of beings in such a way that you have lost control over your life completely…
the roads are all decked up with orna-mental trees and the educated ones call is land-scape whereas the beings die of hunger…even when it’s the nature which gives food, not the controllers… no vvonder, programming worked miraculous for the controllers to enslave the beings by controlling their food…attuning beings to feed their selves with artificial food and it gives birth to another in-dust-tri- the pharma and the medi-sin…
certainly, for years beings are now enslaved and made dependent upon the food, dairy and pharma in such a way…that they can’t run away from what authority force impose upon them… because, food is the only point of control…no other…
if you are still sitting with closed eyes and happy blowing your own trumpet…wait as more is coming up…
today is the time to act than repent later…