VVonderfull had been the journey in this earthly reality… pre-spiritual bearth and post- spiritual bearth… life as a dvij-atman (द्विज आत्मन) had been a big shift…from a normal household working guy to an ordinary earth-hold working being…
since, loVe (प्रेम) and softness (सौम्यता) had been the very luxury since bearth, so, the companionship with amazingly beautyfull beings had been an-other luxury which i had in abundance… relished every bit of each being’s presence around and loVe was allways the free flowing luxury…
singing, cooking, feeding, laughter, re-al fun, travelling, re-al joys of the spirits on each one…have/had been the seal on the envelope of loVe with each being…path intersected with so many beings, few left and many remained…but, there had never been any fights or arguments or any bitter-gourd taste like verbal exchange… sMile…
“beings come, beings go…but, the loVe filled character is remembered forever…”
people agreed & dis-agreed to so much to what all was uttered… but, whenever anyone meet, all meet & interact in high spirit…
“spirits are not on earth, to fight among themselves, but, to fight for ones own freedome while working on ones bearth lessons…”
so, there was never a point of argument or verbal exchange to prove any point to any one…and, whosoever have/had said any bitter or heated thing or have questioned any thing in an allegation way…ive never mind any of their words…for that shows that they have not known me, my life-style and have not lived with me…
so, their words doesn’t bother at all…for it’s just a part of the worldly noise, which means nothing…
however, the companionship ive had, with all the vvonderfull beings from 2014 and before…i carry them all along in loVe…for they are the shadow of my being…and,
“wherever the earthly being moves, shadow moves along…”
thus spake of my diVine companions…