waking up in june 2014, the journey began to vvitness the real truth of this vvorld and the dropping of all what was un-real too began alongside… journey of alone-ness, of no-companion and certainly, not a mass or a group thing it is… one has to walk alone and face what all today’s brutal world pose as a challenge…
from an obedient son to a scholarly taught to an amazingly- wonderfully paying job…had it all what all one can long for in the world matrix…at the same time, had many troughs and crests in the first 27 years…but,
“no storm, no challenge, no test could wither the softness, the love and the spark that I was within…”
prizes, awards, trophies, medals, money, position, stature…had every-thing…but, these were all things…not life… in my vvorld, the vvorld that i am, there was no temptation, no desire…so, in the earthly world where this all is considered every-thing…i was already dead… money, power, position, fame, sex, property- it never tempted me, there was no appetite for all these things…
but, the earthly matrix that it is- even if one walks the path truthfully and without any desire to gather or collect any-thing…still, fell-low beings (the kith & kin, the near ones) create a in-different buzz about it…
if some-one asked- ‘have you become a baba now?’, then, there was some-one else too to say- ‘spirituality is a good business!!’, not only that, but, many amazing beings abused and called names too… certainly, can’t be mentioned in open as it will make it more peppy…let’s not enjoy those earthly words…smile…
and, i had and i have just one answer- “im living my bearth and it’s a paid holyday which my master got me…if any-one feels like taking something from it, it’s fine…else, ive no allurement, no temptation, no desire to gather any-thing in this earthly reality…”
…for im a free-bird, who has broken all bondages, all images, all cages… no object or being in this temporary reality holds the power to hold me…except loVe…only, loVe can… for “im loVe”
and, only loVe liberates…that’s the truth and i will continue to speak the truth…any-one finding it fit can walk along…no invitation to be with me…for its the- “path of alone-ness” which, one has to walk it “without any compromise” and, “with vigor & vitality…”
“thus spake my truth”
chandana gopalani