#divineworldorder #sanatandharm
earth is beauty-full but, is the earthly human life too…?
beings from last four centuries are educated with various ideas of advanced technology, higher learning and what not… but, yet today a beings has to be taught what to eat… the very basic of life which no other specie on earth is even told by anyone else…
when beings are taken far away in their conscious, from the re-al truths of this earthly reality and, what system of control and slavery is constructed for the beings…to keep them in the deep sleep, imprisoned and completely busy and obsessed with what all bazaar on all levels the controllers have put up for not letting the spirits to think of finding a release…
just like a rat trap…to keep the rats trapped in the cage…offer corrupt food, keep them dis-eased and for mental trap offer a partner, give them more systems to keep them so busy that they do not think of the exit door…then, the sufferings at all the level begin…be it emotional/mental torture called as depression, decayed bodies, no way other than the circus with-in and with-out…
and, if someone shouts because of it, make them sit with closed eyes…telling them that it gives piece (peace), some experience or some higher thing…no vvonder experience and experiment are the near vvords…but, beings are not allowed to speak of what brutal, corruption and rotten system is created to keep them completely blind-folded…
V declares firmly that the earthly reality, the system that you see with your physical eyes is a utterly brutal system of complete slavery because, the beings are not educated enough to the level of conscious, where they can see what all they are made to do today and where this is going to lead them…to the deeper hell matrix…
with the well sold idea of earthly reality is beauty-full, life is beauty-full…pupil are pushed far away from what actually it is while just keeping them busy in the mind…creating their own image of happy life, gathering luxury, looking good, having sex, marrying, partying, alcohole, lot of money, kundalini awakening, enlightenment etc… ultimately, keeping them busy with all temporary beings and objects…and, navigating them so so away from the brutal truth of this earthly matrix…
so, the beings forgot that the body that they have, the name character that they are having… it’s just once… it’s a chance…
remember, even if you dare think, you own, you can own or you will own any being or object from this reality…there is no bigger blinded fool than you… because, even if you firmly hold any thing in your hand, still it will be snatched away, the moment you come out of your body…
vvake up to the reality of this earthly king-dome and strive to be free from all that keep you in an image of happiness, future joy or beauty-full life…as it is rare on this earth…
“the cycle doesn’t break, the matrix doesn’t free you, the slavery remains intact”
manju rani